Sunday, October 11, 2009

Evolution Pictures

Between school and lab work I have been quite busy, but I have also been working on a project for my good friend Eric Ulbrich. He has just started a company called Evolution Pictures and wanted me to design the logo - his basic parameters were 'similar to the Evolution of Man but with every step they should have a different camera. Kind of like the anatomical drawings you used to do in high school.' I had a pretty free range to work with. Unfortunately I haven't done figure drawing and worked with the classical form since my senior year of high school, and technical drawing has always been difficult for me.

I was given a series of camera models throughout the ages by Eric. I had no idea where to start with the techincal drawing of the cameras, so I just started playing around with them. Lots of re-learning to draw straight freehand lines, but it devolved into play time as usual. This guy was my favorite - the psychedelic aspect behind him has a space whale. Little known fact: space whales release nebulae out of their blowholes.

Finished Product 1

Finished Product 2

Closeup of Last 3 Evolutionary Steps

Homo sapiens before he got shading and finishing touches. I really liked how he came out.

I had a lot of difficulty with drawing the earlier evolutionary steps, most of the reference art I had available was rough at best, so I took a few liberties. As the progression neared modern humans, I had an easier time drawing, and all those years of figure drawing paid off in drawing Homo Sapiens. I had a lot of fun drawing this for Eric, and learned a lot about evolutionary anthropology, which while really interesting, is probably very very boring to research in real life. Unless you like digging around meticulously in the hot sun for long periods of time. I think it is cool how more and more mitochondrial genetics is being used to trace special lineages - maybe becuase I am just a big genetics nerd.

Anyhow, with midterms done with and Fall Break this week I will have more time to draw and write.

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